Finding the best sorority software for your chapter can make a huge difference.
Planning anything from a social to the perfect recruitment takes coordination and teamwork, and software can make it easier to stay connected and focused on reaching your goals. Chief among those goals for any chapter is how you connect with your community.
That means not just your Greek community and not just your campus community, but your community at large. Sisters must be a force of charity and good will among their neighbors. And, as a group of young leaders and difference makers, you’re in a unique position to make a difference.
Philanthropy connects your chapter to a world of humble service and selflessness. That’s why your volunteering efforts comprise a central pillar of your chapter’s identity.
Helping others is how you come to embody your sorority’s core values. You’re putting those values into action.
Check out OmegaOne, our premium chapter communication software tool.
Because of your philanthropy projects’ importance, they take a lot of careful planning. You must connect the dots, cross every “t” and dot every “i,” especially because others will be relying on you to succeed.
How do you ensure you do the most good for the greatest number of people? How does chapter software factor into the equation—from planning to execution?
Let’s talk about how to put the pieces together, and how to do it with The Best Sorority Software to Make Your Philanthropy a Success.
Planning a Philanthropy Blueprint for Your Chapter
The early stages of planning a philanthropic event include a lot of meetings, a lot of discussion, and a lot of decision making. Between all the different tasks, the philanthropy committee and chairperson have their hands full.
There’s a lot to accomplish. Here are a few of the main planning goals for a chapter philanthropy:
- setting a budget
- picking a charity or cause (could be local or national)
- deciding if your chapter’s cause is unique or coordinated with your national sorority
- coming up with a promotional strategy and producing promotional materials
- coordinating with key people (charity representatives, alumnae advisors, volunteers, etc.)
- educating sisters about your charity or cause
- event planning (choosing the type of fundraising event, gathering supplies and materials, finding a venue, etc.)
For instance, let’s say you’re planning a walkathon to raise money for cancer research. You need to secure an area to hold the event, such as the university track. You’ll need to buy plenty of water or sports drinks, t-shirts, a banner, etc.
You can team up with the cancer research charity to promote the event with flyers, posters, radio spots, social media videos, and more.
Sisters must understand the mission of the charity and why it’s important that you raise money to help, so they can help others understand the importance.
Keeping track of all these communication goals and tasks requires the right software tools.
That’s where OmegaFi’s OmegaOne chapter communication software comes in.
Sorority Software Solution #1
As a comprehensive tool for managing sorority communication, OmegaOne makes many stages of planning your philanthropies easier and more intuitive.
With OmegaOne, you can:
- Manage customized communication (alerts, emails, texts) with your philanthropy committee.
- Share files securely among committee members, such as designs for promotions.
- Share updates and educational info broadly with sisters, survey their opinions, etc.
- Manage your philanthropy budget by connecting directly with Vault financial management software.
Getting People to Your Sorority’s Philanthropy Event
Now that you’ve got basic planning done, it’s time to bring your plans to fruition.
This includes solidifying a date, time, location, and other basic details for your event and then promoting it and driving engagement.
You also need to know for certain which sisters will be volunteering to help run the event, what their jobs will be, and where they need to be.
This goes for any alumnae who’ve graciously agreed to help as well.
You also need to have promotional ideas in place in advance of your event, so anyone interested in donating or attending has time to adjust their schedules.
Once you have an idea who’s signed up and who’s volunteering, you can put your event into motion.
Here’s how OmegaOne communication software can help you drive event attendance and manage your event.
Sorority Software Solution #2
OmegaOne’s features are designed specifically to drive sorority engagement, making it the perfect event management software for your philanthropy.

Here are a few of the ways OmegaFi can help:
- Store signup sheets, team registrations, vendor contracts, or other vital documents.
- Store pictures or videos taken during the event.
- Keep sisters informed with a shared chapter calendar and event management system.
- Drive and manage sister volunteerism/engagement with attendance tracking and points management.
Making Your Philanthropy a Success
You’ve planned your philanthropy, promoted it, and everyone knows their role. You’ve engaged your community, and people are showing up and contributing.
Now what? If you’ve done due diligence, it seems like everything should run like clockwork.
However, if you’ve been in a sorority chapter for more than five minutes, you know how quickly things can go wrong. Part of managing events is running around putting out (metaphorical, we hope) fires.
Why isn’t that sister volunteer where she said she would be? Why did we forget supplies at the chapter house? Et cetera.
OmegaOne software can keep you in constant contact with everyone involved in the philanthropy, so you can adjust on the fly and mobilize sisters when necessary.
Software Solution #3
Here’s how OmegaOne can help with philanthropy management, whether things are going well or . . . not so well:
- Alerts and other messaging features keep you in contact with volunteering sisters and alumnae.
- Track attendance check-ins to ensure sisters are where they need to be.
- Message different groups with custom messages.
OmegaFi offers software solutions for Greek chapters for recruitment, budgeting, communication, and more. Learn more about our services or call direct at 800.276.6342.
What are some of your chapter’s top philanthropy goals? How do you go about achieving them? Let us know in the comments below!