It’s important for undergrads to stay connected with their fraternity and sorority live advisors, and software tools can help.
Fraternity and sorority life advisors play a crucial role in every healthy chapter on campus, and they’re as invested in your success as you and your fellow members are.
Your advisor helps your chapter with:
- holding a successful, safe, values-based recruitment
- putting academics at the forefront
- investing in chapter members’ futures
- building a flourishing Greek life community on campus
- engaging college Greeks in their local community with philanthropy
As you can see, fraternity and sorority life advisors have big jobs, and that means they need some heavy-duty tools to help reach your shared goals.
You may already be using chapter software for everyday tasks like budgeting, communication, recruitment, and tracking study hours. If not, you’ve at least heard of this software and have seen other chapters using it.
But what kind of software can help with the campus-wide tasks of advisors?
And how does that affect you, as a chapter member and a student?
Let’s take a closer look at the software that helps bring you and your advisor together—and why that matters.
Check out OmegaFi’s exclusive Sneak Peek: Here's the Software Your Fraternity or Sorority Life Advisor Is Using Right Now.
Sorority and Fraternity Recruitment, Top to Bottom
Chapter recruitment sits at the epicenter of your success. You know it. Your advisor knows it.
There are a ton of factors that go into pulling off a strong recruitment period, from planning to execution.
All those moving parts mean not only that sisters and brothers do their part, but that they work together with everyone from university officials, to their national organizations, to chapter advisors, to sorority and fraternity life advisors.
If that seems like a lot, you’re right. It is a lot.
That’s the reason recruitment planning happens more-or-less year-round.
It’s the reason your recruitment chair meets with a recruitment advisor, to discuss the rules, process, schedule, and necessary paperwork, well in advance of events and bidding for potential new members.
Advisors also want to be available to help PNMs, and bridge that gap between you and them.
Here’s where software comes in.
Recruitment Software for Sorority and Fraternity Life Advisors
Have you heard of ICS recruitment software?
Even if you don’t know much about it, there’s a chance you’ve interacted with this software in some way or another.
Many college campuses use this software to centralize an electronic database of PNM registration and chapter bidding.
Chances are, your chapter doesn’t directly manage this software.
That’s on the administration side. But there’s a strong possibility you at least use it, or else you may use it in the future. It’s good to know what it is and why it exists—especially since you could be using other chapter recruitment software that interacts with ICS.
In short, ICS (or Interactive Collegiate Solutions) is a digital recruitment software tool that connects Greek councils and advisors, chapters, and PNMs.
For Greek Councils and Sorority and Fraternity Life Advisors, it:
- manages PNM registration and fees
- sets rules and guidelines
- sorts PNMs into a database
- manages bids
For your PNMs, it:
- lets those who best fit your chapter’s values find you
- updates user info quickly and securely over the internet
- keeps track of the selection process
For you, it:
- keeps track of your bid/selection process
- offers daily reports
- lets chapters easily access and follow recruiting guidelines
- Integrates with other recruitment software for chapters
That last one, recruitment software integration, is a big one. Let’s talk about it for a minute.
Connecting Chapters and Advisors with Recruitment Software
Chapters need and want recruitment software geared toward their specific needs.
But it’s also important to make sure that software works to achieve both you and your sorority and fraternity life advisors’ needs.
Recruitment needs to be a smooth process that goes from PNM, to you, to your advisor and Greek council.
For that, you need software from both the chapter and administration side of things.
OmegaRecruit lets you bring the two together in perfect harmony.
This software gives chapter members a way to access information about each PNM, set up in-person communications, plus vote throughout the recruitment process from mobile devices.
The best part? OmegaRecruit integrates directly with ICS software.
That means when it comes time to place bids, there’s not extra paperwork, no printing out spreadsheets. You submit your bids electronically, which means less hassle for everyone.
Communicating Beyond Recruitment: Software to Connect
You need software to communicate within your chapter. Advisors need high-level communication software as well.
OmegaOne works for both, and helps each group meet their individual goals. Let’s look at how this Greek communication software is perfect for everyone from chapter member to the people calling the shots.
Why Advisors Need Communication Software Tools
Just like chapters, fraternity and sorority life advisors work within a larger group—in their case, this includes other Greek professionals and school administration.
OmegaOne lets advisors communicate, share a calendar of meetings and events, share documents and files, give quick surveys, and track check-ins at events.
It’s also easy to create websites to make it easy for chapter members and PNMs to learn about community philanthropy projects and other events hosted by Greek Life, as well as to host information like rules and regulations and important forms.
What That Means for Chapter Members
Better communication for fraternity and sorority life advisors benefits chapter members.
OmegaOne is also geared toward your everyday needs.
From the executive board to the average member, you can track study hours, communicate with other members quickly and easily, plan events, send out announcements, and more.
You can also use it to manage a chapter website.
When both members and advisors are communicating well within their own groups, it sets them up to communicate better with each other.
OmegaFi offers software solutions for recruitment, budgeting, communications, and more for sorority chapters like yours. See what we have to offer or call us direct at 800.276.6342.
Let us know what questions and comments you have about Greek software tools in the comments below.