Serving as a sorority chapter officer can be hard enough. You’re handling the needs of a house full of sisters, balancing your budget, and trying your best to represent your letters.
Now try being a Panhellenic officer.
You’ve got the needs of every chapter on campus on your shoulders, plus the university’s expectations. You’ve got your own chapter to worry about. Not to mention—you know—being a student.
One day at the helm of your university’ s Panhellenic council would have lesser sisters running for the hills.
But not you. You’ve got this. The fire only makes you stronger. You enjoy the challenge.
Your calendar may read like a novel, but you’ve got all the right parts in all the right places. You love being a Panhellenic officer, but what if things could be a little easier? What if you could save yourself a few extra steps here and there?
Even an extra five minutes of free time can feel like a luxury when you’re this busy.
As it turns out, there are Panhellenic tools that can help you be a better, more proficient officer, who better serves her campus and Greek community.
How do you get your hands on these tools?
We thought you’d never ask.
OmegaFi wants you to know that If You’re a Panhellenic Officer, These Tools Are for You.
The National Panhellenic Conference
Honestly, serving your Panhellenic as an officer to the best of your ability is hard enough. But doing it alone?
Without the support of a broader community of sorority women, your job would be, quite honestly, impossible.
Knowing that the National Panhellenic Conference has your back can help you be confident and skilled as a Panhellenic officer. They offer a variety of resources to College Panhellenics to ensure they build values-based, successful programs on their campuses.
From the moment your Panhellenic is formed, the NPC is there to guide officers toward building a brighter future for the sorority women you serve.
They offer resources such as the College Panhellenic Academy, a conference designed to keep you up to date on the latest Panhellenic programs and priorities, as well as regional conferences such as AFLV Central and NGLA.
If you can’t make it out to one of these conferences, they offer video tutorials on honing leadership skills and how to build community through your College Panhellenic.
They’re also available to visit your campus and help your Panhellenic get on the right track, from recruiting, to structuring officer duties, to building a plan to prosper into the future.
Beyond that, the NPC has a ton of online resources including calendars, various templates and documents for College Panhellenics, and more.
If you’re a Panhellenic officer looking for tools to help you build a better campus sorority culture, the NPC should be your first stop.
ICS Recruitment Software
The NPC can help you get on the right track for a values-based recruitment, but it can still be a daunting task with a ton of paperwork for event requests, bid lists, and more.
Not to pile on the pressure, but—recruitment’s a central part of your Panhellenic. Rush week is one of the biggest tasks you’ll face, and you must pull it off as flawlessly as possible.
While you’re running around putting out fires, having a bunch of chapters submitting printed spreadsheets of their bid lists does not make things easier.
Wouldn’t it be better if, say, much of that recruitment paperwork could be done online? Let’s talk a little about how ICS sorority recruitment software can accomplish just that.
ICS’s Collegiate Recruiter software:
Integrates recruitment communication between Greek Life officials, Panhellenic officers, sorority chapters, and PNMs into one hub.
Centralizes recruitment “registration, review, selection, and notification.”
Reduces much of recruitment paperwork filed by PNMs and chapters, placing them online.
You get information about PNM registration and the bidding process much more quickly.
ICS is also integrated with popular recruitment software tools for chapters like OmegaRecruit. So while sisters are making their lives easier with voting and bidding software, they can be making your life easier as well.
Your University
Your university offers a host of really important tools for Panhellenic officers. Some of these tools are those you’ll hopefully never have to use, but they’re crucial when you do.
You should have a plan for:
How to report and deal with hazing activities
How to handle alcohol and substance abuse problems and violations
How and when to contact University Police to deal with violence and other crimes
How to deal with chapter or individual academic issues
How to deal with recruitment infractions and non-values-based recruitment events
Who to contact in an emergency situation
These are a few of the tools at your disposal, but ultimately university officials are there to guide you in any number of matters, from recruitment, to housing, to student safety, to anything that concerns your shared goal for Greek success on campus.
Your Greatest Panhellenic Tool? Simple: It’s Your Sisters.
Sisters are at the center of everything you do as a Panhellenic officer. In many ways, their futures are in your hands.
Their voices can also be invaluable to you as an officer.
"In the end, sisters are everything in the sorority business."
When chapter delegates meet with executive officers, this is your first line of sorority communication and insight into the lives of sisters on campus. This is also your primary way to communicate vital information about Panhellenic values and recruitment expectations.
This should be a two-way street of communication. It’s important to grasp and address the individual needs of Panhellenic chapters before they have struggles or end up violating the rules.
In the end, sisters are everything in the sorority business. Get to know them, visit their houses when you can, and listen to them with an open mind. It might just make you a better officer.
What questions do you have about Panhellenic officer tools? What tools have you found useful during your time as an officer? Let us know in the comments below!
Learn more about OmegaFi and the tools we offer for financial management, recruitment, website and communication building, and more. You can get in touch directly at 800.276.6342.