OmegaFi is proudly launching OmegaOne, a new fraternity communication software tool coming this fall, designed specifically with your chapter’s needs in mind.
OmegaOne Software Features at a Glance:
Learn More about OmegaOne Here.
Our philosophy for building successful fraternity software solutions has always been about making connections. In other words, communicating.
We’ve been shaped and inspired by the network we’ve built with members of the college Greek community, from undergrads, to parents, alumni and advisors, to other fraternity leaders and officials.
We’ve worked to explore the aspirations, goals, successes, and struggles of brothers across the country. We’ve even shared some of those experiences, as many members of our team came up through the Greek Life system themselves.
Now we want to give back by offering you the all-in-one communication software we wish we’d had as undergrads.
Communication has formed the cornerstone of successful fraternity chapters since the very beginning. Why not use the best tools out there to bring brothers together?
OmegaFi has made it our mission to make fraternity life easier, faster, more consistent, and just all-around better. OmegaOne brings all our efforts together into one comprehensive digital platform geared specifically toward Greeks.
OmegaOne communication software embodies and augments a vision of strength and harmony when brothers are fully in sync with one another.
That’s why we’re proud to present you with these important details of OmegaFi’s All New Fraternity Communication Software Launching This Fall.
Here’s why OmegaOne is right for your chapter.
Communication Habits You Can Build in 30 Days
If you sign up for OmegaOne now, you’ll get a one-month free trial.
That’s 30 days to use OmegaOne software to build effective chapter communication habits.
To a college student, that doesn’t seem like a long time. But think about all you accomplish in four weeks.
How many papers have you written in that time? How many textbook chapters have you read? What about lab reports, tests, and quizzes? That’s not even to mention how much you do day in and day out for your chapter.
College life is fast paced. Fraternity life is twice as fast.
It’s a no brainer that you’re capable of accomplishing communication goals with that same breakneck speed, once you put your mind to it and have the right tools.
Here are some communication habits OmegaOne will help you build—for free—in the next month:
- Communicate better about money.
Hey, what chapter doesn’t want to manage their budget better? A lot of that comes down to healthy communication habits. With OmegaOne, brothers can pay their chapter bills online, complete contracts, receive reminders about upcoming payments, and connect to OmegaFi’s premier chapter budgeting software, Vault.
- Bridge the communication gap between new and established brothers.
For new members, it all begins with building strong communication habits with older members. You can smooth this transition with OmegaOne. New brothers can: 1. access contacts with profile images, to get to know the older brothers and easily contact them; 2. access a shared chapter calendar and never miss an event, study hours session, etc.; and 3. receive important updates, texts, and emails from officers directed specifically to new members.
- Communicate better—with a focus on academics.
OmegaOne lets officers direct information to the right brothers at the right time, so they never miss an important update. It also lets your chapter foster a conversation in which academics take a front seat. With our software’s study hours tracking feature, brothers know when and where study hours are. They can check in using a geo-location feature and check out when they leave. If they miss study hours, officers can manage their appeals within OmegaOne. By tracking these hours, officers can manage their chapter with a school-first mentality and adjust chapter goals accordingly.
- Communicate on the go.
Brothers are rarely all in the same place at the same time. Gathering everyone for a meeting over every little thing can be a waste of time and resources. OmegaOne is mobile friendly, so you can access messages and event information, manage contacts, share important chapter files, and more, all from the palm of your hand.
Check Out Our Fraternity Recruitment Software—and How OmegaOne Bridges the Membership Gap
Realistically, fraternity chapters need a software tool that helps with membership long before men become actual members.
That’s because a central cog of your chapter machinery is recruitment. Without a successful recruitment process, the rest of your efforts are in vain.
OmegaRecruit software helps your chapter plan and execute a successful recruitment. With this digital tool you can: access and update a database of PNM (Potential New Member) data; vote on PNMs from your phone or computer; and compile and submit your bid list to Greek officials; among other functions.
Using OmegaOne, you can plan your recruitment events and update members about their roles, upload contact data for PNMs who become new members, and switch seamlessly between these apps.
Communicating as a brotherhood is an ongoing process, and with the right tools you can prevent costly disconnects between members about goals and initiatives.
From the PNM, to the new member, to the chapter officer and beyond, communication software can help bring everyone together and bring your establishment future success.
OmegaFi offers software solutions for fraternity chapters for recruitment, budgeting, communication, and more. Learn more about our services or call direct at 800.276.6342.
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