IFC recruitment takes time—time that, as a fraternity officer, you don’t have.
You’re basically running around like the White Rabbit in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, frantically shouting, “I’m late! I’m late!”
You don’t carry a pocket watch, but if one more alarm goes off on your phone, you swear you’re throwing it in the campus swimming pool.
Who knew signing up for an officer position would mean so much responsibility? The injustice!
However, once we’re done lamenting the loss of the coveted Saturday midday nap, we must face facts: An officer job in any chapter takes a lot of dedication and time.
Your brothers depend on you to make the right decisions. It can be a lot to handle as a full-time student.
Throw recruitment goals into the mix, and suddenly you’re in a fist fight with your day planner.
Let’s be honest here for a second. You need the right tools at the right time to get you through recruitment. But you also need those tools to be straightforward and simple. You need to make things easier without taking shortcuts.
These tools come in many forms. The right ones may just land you the perfect bid list.
OmegaFi knows how important recruitment is to an IFC chapter. Let’s talk about IFC Recruitment Tools for Officers Who Can’t Even.
Keep in Touch with Your Brothers When Every Second Counts
Brothers should present a unified front when it comes to recruitment communication.
You’ll meet many potential new members. Any brother may meet and speak with a PNM during recruitment events, not just the recruitment chair.
One of your biggest recruitment tools is for brothers to get on the same page.
Things move at a hectic pace once rush week kicks off.
Remember that IFC recruitment is all about values. When you’re planning how brothers should handle PNM conversations, values should be a central part.
- To some PNMs, brothers are fraternity gods. PNMs may be nervous or shy around brothers. They’re younger, less experienced, and afraid to say or do the wrong thing. Don’t rely on them to always be conversation starters. Brothers should approach PNMs, shake their hands, and make them feel at ease.
- Brothers set the IFC standard. Brothers represent the IFC in their words and actions during recruitment. It’s important to cover IFC and NIC standards thoroughly with brothers. Dangerous or unbecoming behavior, or anything that breaks the rules by brothers or PNMs, should be dealt with through the appropriate channels immediately.
- Focus on topics that land bids. Based on your chapter and IFC’s standards, talk with PNMs in a way that answers questions like: Does this person live up to our values? Is this person driven to contribute? Does this person care about his grades? Will his personality gel with current members? Does he want to become a better leader?
OmegaFi’s Communication Software Tool: OmegaOne
Software can keep you in touch with your brothers during the pandemonium of recruitment events. This frees you up to spend less time making course corrections and more time having fun.
OmegaOne is our all-in-one Greek communication software. It lets brothers communicate quickly and efficiently, so you don’t have to always track each other down to exchange information. You can share info on a message board, officer(s) can send text messages to members, track brothers’ check-ins and recruitment event locations, organize event times and dates on a shared calendar, and more.
Make Recruitment Budgeting a Breeze
The budget can be a major headache for officers planning an IFC recruitment. You don’t want to make mistakes and fall short, or worse, put your chapter into the red.
Knowing how to work together with your treasurer and finance committee is a vital tool to have at your disposal.
Here are a few important budgeting tips to keep in mind:
- Don’t forget marketing and promotion expenses.
- Focus on essentials: food and soft drinks, supplies for activities, venue rentals, etc.
- Don’t worry about the extras: decorations and fancy clothes.
- If you have a recruitment scholarship, include it in the budget.
- Remember budgeting for future expenses that don’t fall under recruitment: new member insurance fees, initiation rituals, new member education materials, etc.
OmegaFi’s Budgeting Software Tool: Vault
Vault gives you and your treasurer the ability to budget for recruitment, and the chapter in general, from a central online hub. From this interface, brothers can pay dues, sign housing leases, take care of banking transactions, analyze financial reports, and even file your tax forms.
If you’re worried about keeping a strict recruitment budget, OmegaFi also offers officer purchasing cards. You can set limits ahead of time and purchases are tracked through Vault. It saves you a ton of time, versus having to track down your chapter president to have him sign off on every check you cut.
Recruitment Software for Officers on the Go
Being able to vote and place bids on PNMs quickly and conveniently makes a huge difference in recruitment.
The more time you can spend participating in events and getting to know your future brothers, the better.
That’s where we come in.
OmegaFi’s Ultimate Recruitment Software Tool: OmegaRecruit
No more keeping pages and pages of PNM information. No more taking time to tally votes and compile printed bid lists.
OmegaRecruit lets you store PNM info and vote remotely from your mobile device. You can match members with PNMs to keep track of who’s talking to whom. You can also submit your bid list electronically through your college’s ICS Greek recruitment software.
IFC fraternities must keep their recruitment tools handy and add to their toolbox every semester. Organize, prioritize, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Your hard work is bound to pay off.
OmegaFi offers software solutions for IFC fraternity chapters for recruitment, budgeting, communication, and more. Learn more about our services or call direct at 800.276.6342.
What questions and comments do you have about IFC recruitment tools? Let us know in the comments below!