OmegaRecruit is OmegaFi’s premier sorority recruitment software solution. Learn more about OmegaRecruit here.
Sorority recruitment rushes over sisters like a tidal wave. Even with the best planning, it’s sink or swim.
Yet, it’s an exhilarating experience. You’re meeting the young women who will become your future sisters. Each day brings unexpected challenges and plenty of good times to balance things out.
Sororities plan for and look forward to recruitment all year long, but all sisters will admit it can be a major challenge.
Every chapter has its own recruitment toolbox. They’ve filled this box with solutions that have worked for them over the semesters, and they bring it out every time a new wave of freshman women come to Greek Row seeking bids.
While the tools may be different, there are some common recruitment pain points.
These include things like:
- coordinating how and when members and Potential New Members (PNMs) connect
- planning and hosting safe, values-based, successful events
- keeping track of PNM data
- holding rounds of voting during recruitment to decide who’ll receive a bid
- compiling your bid list
What if there were a software option that could help with all these tasks?
What if you didn’t have to rustle around in your toolbox for twenty different screwdrivers and wrenches when there’s one perfect tool to make your recruitment run like clockwork?
I think you know where this is going: This perfect recruitment tool does exist, and we’re going to tell you all about it.
OmegaFi wants your recruitment to rock—every year. So let’s talk about our premium digital tool, OmegaRecruit: The Sorority Recruitment Software to Own Them All.
“Uh-Oh. Was I Supposed to Talk to That PNM?”
When sisters are not on the same page, working like a well-oiled machine, the impact on collecting bids from Potential New Members (PNMs) can be disastrous.
Sorority recruitment communication is a formidable power, which you must wield responsibly.
Imagine, if you will, the following scenario:
Irene was supposed to connect with a PNM, Phoebe, but somehow wires got crossed and Irene was never informed.
In the hustle of recruitment events, all the new faces wandering in and out of the house, and sisters running here and there every few minutes to put out (hopefully not literal) fires, members forget about Phoebe the PNM.
Since the planned meeting never happens, a young woman who was excited about your organization now feels neglected. She moves on to seek a bid elsewhere.
Here’s what went wrong.
Sisters relied on inefficient tools to keep track of how they connect with PNMs. And in the hecticness of it all, they let someone fall through the cracks.
Not only did they lose that potential bid, they also risked her going on to tell others that your chapter doesn’t care about the women they’re recruiting, poisoning the well for future members.
Obviously, mistakes happen. But recruitment’s all about minimizing those mistakes. You do that through proper planning and having the right tools to back you up.
So, how can OmegaRecruit software help?
- A “matching” feature allows sisters to always know who should connect with a PNM during the voting process.
- Sisters have access to a fully integrated voting and bidding experience, so sisters can move seamlessly through each step.
- The centralized recruitment hub lets sisters have informed conversations and make the best possible decisions.
When sisters know who they’re talking to and what their roles are during recruitment, you’ll be able to maximize your results and extend bids to the best new members possible.
Time for Another Round of Voting—the Easier Way
Voting during recruitment can be a pain in the butt. There’s so much going on that it can feel, well, overwhelming.
For PNMs, meeting new people and matching with chapters are the main goals they face.
For chapter members, there’s a lot more you need to take care of while planning and executing events, and bringing in the right sisters.
Voting should be simple and seamless. With OmegaRecruit, it is.
- Each round of voting can be handled electronically.
- The software is mobile-friendly, so sisters can make decisions on the fly.
- PNM data is stored centrally, as well as recruitment data, so you’ll make informed choices
No need to fill out forms or gather sisters together each time a vote is held. This frees you up to focus on other crucial tasks throughout the week, while all your voting and PNM data is securely and centrally stored.
A Bid for Best Sorority Recruitment Software
Once you’ve gone through the meet-and-greets, the events, the voting process, it’s time to submit your bids.
For many chapters, this means compiling and printing a spreadsheet, then hand-delivering it to your Greek Life office.
It doesn’t sound like a lot of work. However, after the final event, there’s still plenty for chapters to do in preparation for educating and inducting their incoming members.
Why spend any extra time than is necessary on your bid list?
OmegaRecruit Makes Bidding a Cinch.
Bidding has never been easier than with OmegaRecruit, which allows you to compile your bid list and send it electronically to sorority officials.
The software has full integration with ICS recruitment software, which is a system many campuses use to register PNMs and manage the recruitment process.
Recruitment’s Over. Here’s How OmegaRecruit Sets You Up for the Next Step.
Once recruitment’s over, you can enter the data you have on PNMs who’ve become new members and get them set up for all the important features on OmegaFi’s new premier sorority communication app: OmegaOne.
For new members, OmegaOne’s all-in-one software offers:
- personalized communication and file sharing with officers
- access to contact info and faces to get to know sisters
- a wall where they can see all important updates and messages in real time and pin important updates
- a shared calendar so they never get overwhelmed about potentially missing an event
- an easy way to pay their chapter bills
In other words, OmegaRecruit gives you a successful sorority recruitment, and OmegaOne sets your new members up for success.
OmegaFi is offering a free 30-day OmegaOne trial period for chapters when they sign up for the early adopter campaign. These chapters will begin their trial on July 1.
Have questions or concerns about OmegaRecruit or OmegaOne software products? Let us know in the comments below.