In the January 2023 Release Notes, we announced the rollout of OmegaOne Chat. We’ve since added several enhancements to this new feature.
- Chat initiators can add/remove users from the conversation.
- OmegaOne users receive notifications from chats.
- Users can access the chat directly from their notifications.
- Users can mute and unmute chats.
- Users can search for other members directly within a chat.
We’re also working to add OmegaOne chat to the mobile app! Watch for more info on this in next month’s release notes.
Contact your Success Manager with any questions or to learn more.
We're excited to announce that, as of February 2023, we are rebranding LegFi. The interface now has a new logo and colors. Log in today and check out the refreshed look!
Contact your Success Manager with any questions or to learn more.
Compass users can now sort participant listings by chapters in Greek alpha order. Go to Compass Events > select an event > Participants. Select the column header for “Chapter Represented”, and the listing will sort chapter designations based on the Greek alphabet. This is consistent with other sort orders within Compass and will improve your event management processes.
Contact your Senior Success Specialist with any questions or to learn more.
ICS TX-RAMP Certification
Texas recently changed their state laws and implemented the Texas Risk and Authorization Management Program (TX-RAMP) to better protect students' personal data, including data collected through campus' sorority and fraternity recruitment software.
We completed the TX-RAMP certification for ICS. ICS now has the privacy and security certification necessary to be used at state institutions, such as universities.
ICS is the only recruitment software approved for use by Texas' public universities at this time. You can find us under “OmegaFi” on the list of all TX-RAMP certified vendors/products.
Contact info@icsmg.com with any questions or to learn more.