Keeping your alumnae members involved, interested and engaged can me a job in itself. Life, work schedules, and family obligations take precendent after the glory days of college have ended. Below is a list of way to help you get ahead of the curve and keep your alumnae involved from the very begining.
- Elect or assign an Alumnae Relations Chair
This chair will help to enhance relations between the undergraduate chapter and alumnae. Relationships with alumnae will boost support to the chapter, and young alumnae especially want to stay involved with their organizations. By electing an Alumnae Relations Chair, you are securing support and sisterhood for your chapter long-term.
- Invite alumnae to recruitment practices and events
Letting young alumnae know that you would like to have them at recruitment practices and events will score major brownie points – they may even bring the chapter food for all of your hard efforts during Recruitment Week! Alumnae love to talk about their involvement with the sorority. Involving them in some aspect of recruitment lets them know that the chapter values their opinions and experiences. Having young alumnae at these events will also be a bonus to the girls that the chapter is recruiting. How many times do potential new members and their parents ask about the benefit of being Greek? If there are recent alumnae there, they are more than happy to talk about how their sorority prepared them for the real world, as well as the connections that Greek life offers.
- Host a tailgate before Homecoming
Invite your alumnae to a chapter tailgate before your university’s Homecoming game. This can be a family-friendly environment so that even older alumnae can bring their spouses and children. Not only does this get them involved with the undergraduate chapter – it also allows them to reconnect with the university as a whole. Hosting a tailgate is a great ice-breaker for future events you’d like to continue planning with young alumnae.
- Ask alumnae to chaperone formal
Asking a young alumna to chaperone a formal might be compared to asking your mom to share her old cheerleading photos — she just might be ecstatic to jump on board! Formal is one of the most important events of the year for a sorority, and coming back to help the chapter with a fun event is a simple way for your young alumnae to stay involved. Plus, they may well tell you that they’re open to attending and chaperoning future events as well.
- Have a sisterhood event for your chapter’s anniversary
As many young alumnae may have forgotten the exact day, a chapter anniversary party is a convenient way to network with them. A celebration like this is definitely a time for conversation. With the undergraduate experience fresh on their mind and near in their heart, the girls who most recently graduated will appreciate the opportunity to get to know all of the new sisters and catch up with their chapter families.
- Plan an event for Founder’s Day
Like the chapter’s anniversary, Founders Day is another convenient opportunity to keep alumnae involved. Founders Day events can even be open to anyone – other Greek organizations, families and friends of sisters, and university administrators. Celebrating your sorority with a variety of people will always help the chapter in the long run. Attendees might talk about the event for months — or even years — to come. And who doesn’t love people spreading good vibes about their organization?
- Create a newsletter
Creating a semester or annual newsletter is critical when it comes to keeping young alumnae involved. Having a newsletter with upcoming events, alumnae invitations and chapter updates keeps alumnae informed and reminds them know that they are still connected with the chapter. Be sure to keep a list of alumnae in your area from your chapter — and from others — on file. It will come in handy. Plus, sending a newsletter on at least a yearly basis will brighten the days of alumnae missing their chapter!
How do you keep your chapter/organizations alumnae engaged? Let us know in the comments section!