There are certain qualities that are a must for any sorority software, such as being integrated, multifaceted, having mobile on-the-go access and being incorporated with major social media outlets. However, what may be the single most important quality of sorority software is whether--wait for it--it’s easy to use.
The language of computers and their software may be as incomprehensible to the average sister as, say, ancient Aramaic. Sure, some of your sisters may be bilingual due to the culture of their families, or because they’re studying a second language in school. Great. Now, how many sisters in your sorority speak high-level computer languages like BASIC, C++, Java or Pascal?
Unless they’re studying computer sciences or just really into computers, chances are not many will “speak” these highly specialized coding languages. And if they do know how to program like someone out of the movie Hackers, what are you waiting for? You can probably make your own sorority software!
However, for our purposes here, you will not have to create your own software, nor learn to use the languages your computer speaks--thankfully. We’re using this example to illustrate a point: software is complex and difficult to comprehend on the one hand, but at the user-level (you) it should be as simple as possible. In fact when reviewing which sorority software is right for your chapter, we’d say that simplicity for the user should be the deal-breaker. That’s why OmegaFi is going to “break it” down for you (get it?). Here are the Top 5 Easiest to Use Sorority Software.
Try the OmegaFi Two-for-One
Needless to say we believe our fully-integrated software package is the best out there, not just because we have real professionals on the other end helping your sorority chapter achieve its goals, but because we put our money where our mouths are when it comes to ease of use. So what’s the fulcrum of our user-friendly approach?
Simple: integration. There are so many software packages out there for different purposes, some headache-inducing and ineffective, and others that really thrive at helping you with one specialized goal (say, financial management).
However, at OmegaFi many of us are Greeks and know the struggles of keeping up with your various responsibilities--that goes double for chapter officers. The last thing you want is doing extra work through various programs and phone apps.
That’s why we offer 1.) our premier financial management program, Vault; and 2.) our membership and chapter management software, Compass. And the best part is that our software can be centrally accessed by your sorority sisters through the MyOmegaFi portal, with mobile access and full integration into social media. Information is shared between these pieces of sorority software, so for instance when you update member information in Compass, the information is automatically updated in Vault. We dare you to find easier to use sorority software!
Mitigating Risk with Digital Waiver Software
Being a part of a sorority comes with a certain level of intrinsic risk—whether that’s becoming injured, ill, or otherwise harmed. And when something like this does happen (although you’ll certainly do everything you can to avoid it), it’s important that your organization is set up to handle the liability.
That’s where Smartwaiver comes in. Smartwaiver’s digital liability waiver software is perfect for sororities and other Greek life organizations that are looking to protect their sisterhood as a whole.
Here are some of Smartwaiver’s most useful features:
- Create easy-to-use digital waivers with unlimited waiver templates and custom questions.
- Transform existing paper waivers to digital alternatives in minutes.
- Add an extra layer of security with Auto Photo Capture.
- Collect waivers through text, email, QR code, waiver kiosk, and your website.
- Integrate with your other sorority software basics, including OmegaFi.
Make a Bid for OmegaRecruit
OmegaRecruit is the sorority recruitment software you didn’t know you needed. This software offers features such as a centralized database and connecting point for your chapter and potential new members. It allows you to quickly and effectively figure out if recruiting an individual is right for your chapter, and on the flip side, gives that person a chance to see what chapter may be right for her.
It allows easy organizational and ranking functionality, communication, as well as integration into other pieces of software such as communication software OmegaOne (read more about this one below). On top of all that, you can customize the software interface to your chapter’s needs and even access it from a mobile device--a must for any sorority software in this get-up-and-go era.
If you need any help at all, OmegaRecruit offer services such as 24/7 support, setup help, training and video resources. Look, we all know that recruitment is hard enough without adding sorority software headaches on top of it. Yet recruitment is the lifeblood of any chapter. So why not make life a little easier this coming rush week and get on OmegaRecruit?
Connect with OmegaOne
Sorority sisters need to communicate in order to make their chapter operate smoothly. Officers and other members need to be able to update each other with scheduling, chapter goals, intramurals, recruiting and more. For that, OmegaOne has you covered. Instead of constantly setting up mass texts to one group of sisters based on the intramural soccer team, one based on high ranking officers, one based on housing, et cetera, searching separate programs for event calendars and so forth, OmegaOne makes it easy to mass text customizable groups all through their software. This software offers a calendar for centralized scheduling, and even allows your sorority chapter to ask sisters poll questions, as well as manage t-shirt orders, bus signups and shifts for philanthropy events, or other situations where a quick, digital signup sheet is needed. You can also track check-ins for emergencies, attendance, study hours, and even share files.
Not to sound like a broken record here, but what makes OmegaOne such a great piece of sorority communication software is that it’s easy to use. And what makes it easy to use is that everything is centralized, integrated and available at the click of a button. Through their program interface functionality, they can also be integrated with other programs such as OmegaOne and soon will be fully integrated with the OmegaFi software mentioned above.
We know we’re laying it on a little thick here, but it’s an important lesson in how you review and pick your sorority software. The thing is, a lot of software has a cost attached to it, a purchase price and/or subscription fee. So why would you spend money on software that’s going to leave your sorority hanging? Making life more complicated is definitely not the purpose of integrating software into your sorority’s daily operations. Tasks such as managing finances and recruiting should be centralized, mobile friendly, fast and easy to communicate between different software and purposes, as well as fully supported by the help staff of provider companies.
That’s why we here at OmegaFi feel that Vault, Compass, OmegaRecruit and OmegaOne are the top 4 easiest to use software to make managing your sorority chapter so easy, you could do it in your sleep. And we know how important a few extra hours of sleep can be.
What are some of the features you like or don’t like when it comes to no-fuss sorority software? How has your experience been with the software we talked about here? Tell us about Sorority Software Easy Street, or where to fill the potholes, in the comments below.