Vault admins can make sure confidential financial information is appropriately visible, easily grant the access via the click of a button
OmegaFi is again improving its customers' experience, streamlining operations, and increasing security.
Starting Tuesday, Sept. 12, national headquarters customers and/or collegiate Vault administrators will have the option to limit the ability to see line-item expense details in Vault to selected chapter officers and advisors.
Officers and advisors, as well as headquarters staff who may not need access to line-item level, specific transaction details, will still have access to summary level expense data.
Need to switch back to seeing detailed expense information? Any Vault admin can easily grant the appropriate level of access to expense details via the click of a button, at any time.
This new feature is included with any Vault subscription, and part of the September product update. After Tuesday, Sept. 12, all Vault users should review their existing user permission levels and work with their system administrators to adjust them where appropriate.
Questions about how to use this feature? Access our Knowledge Base articles or contact your support manager for help.
Are you a LegFi user? Great news! LegFi software subscribers already have a similar feature available. LegFi users should contact their account manager for more information.