During this uncertain time, OmegaFi remains focused on supporting the business, members and fraternity and sorority communities that make our world great.
Reducing the Barriers to Membership
Over the last few weeks, OmegaFi has been working with and closely following the activities and recommendations of the National Panhellenic Conference and North American Interfraternity Conference. Both the NIC and NPC are advocating for a focus on college affordability. They suggest we should make it as easy as possible for young men and women to join a fraternal organization.
We agree.
No Cost Recruitment
In order to support the recovery effort the fraternal industry needs . . . in order to reduce the barriers to entry . . . OmegaFi is eliminating all Chapter, all Council and all PNM/Registration fees associated with our industry-leading, campus recruitment software platform, ICS, for the remainder of the calendar year. This offer applies to every IFC, College Panhellenic and Fraternity/Sorority Life Office currently using ICS and any others that want to use it.
If the Council or FSL Office chooses to charge a fee - and we encourage all Councils and FSL Offices to reduce barriers to entry by eliminating all PNM fees – normal credit card processing charges will apply, but that’s it.
We will not charge you any fees based on the number of chapters or PNMs you have.
We know free educational tools and content is valuable to you. To us, it is not enough. We are going to continue to provide educational content to our customers. We also know our community needs some real fee relief.
We believe this is the right decision to encourage membership growth and ensure the long-term stability of the fraternity and sorority community.
While the future may be uncertain, we are in this together.