In today's world of instant communication and constant sharing, how do you protect your image, your reputation...yourself? Facebook, Twitter, email, blogs, wikis...they are just a few of the latest ways that people are connecting and communicating with one another. These channels can be great ways to inform your members of the latest news and to publicize your events. Facebook and Twitter are playing larger roles in recruitment each year, but they are also outlets for scams.
In recent news, several Florida State University undergraduates were targeted through a simple Facebook friend request. The person requesting to be a friend used a fictional name and was targeting women who had just pledged sororities. These women were seen as vulnerable because they were not yet initiated members. The new "friend" posed as an alumna of a sorority and in one case threatened to physically harm a new member. Similar incidents have been reported at Louisiana State University, University of Alabama and Auburn University.
When posting information on Facebook, Twitter, blogs or any other public space remember to be careful about what you post. Also, accept friend requests with caution and report any strange messages you receive.