Fraternity communication tools are a must in any chapter. And while the nature of the tools has evolved in the digital age, the impact of good communication between brothers has always been super important to chapter success.
Key qualities of fraternity brotherhood include bonding, leadership, community, and teamwork. The common factor among all these is communication.
Think about all the moving parts of your fraternity chapter and how it’s managed. There are a set of rules and expectations for member conduct. Each officer is expected to perform certain tasks.
Together, you plan and execute complicated projects that often require you to secure equipment, caterers, and venues. You undertake philanthropy projects for which your community relies on you to succeed.
Yet, as you know, plans change quickly in Greek life. Something falls through. A date changes. A t-shirt order is wrong. You need to change the location of an event.
If brothers communicate poorly, it means you can’t adapt to evolving situations. At times it means the difference between a slight misunderstanding and being totally on the same page. But at other times, it means success versus disaster. With the right tools in your hands, brothers can avoid pitfalls and work together for a more prosperous chapter.
Here are OmegaFi’s 5 Best Fraternity Communication Tools on the Market.
5. Fraternity Teambuilding with Teamwork
Download: Good & Co’s Teamwork App
They say teamwork makes the dream work. This adage rings true, especially in the daily life of fraternity brothers.
That’s why you do chapter retreats and teambuilding exercises. And the perfect tool to help optimize your teambuilding and bonding is Good & Co.’s Teamwork app.
Teamwork lets brothers take an 18-question personality quiz that will give you feedback about how you function as a team.
You’ll learn things about each other such as:
- your team’s “persona,” or defining characteristics, as well as strengths and weaknesses to be improved
- how your team fits together, or how similar and/or diverse brothers are from one another
- learn each brother’s traits and work styles to better understand one another and collaborate more effectively
Use this app before a brotherhood retreat to create a teambuilding strategy specific to your members’ personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, as individuals and as a chapter.
4. Have a Suggestion? Tell Your Brothers with Incogneato
Download: Corpell’s Incogneato app
Usually, when you’re communicating with brothers, it helps to know who’s talking.
But not always.
A perfect example of when anonymity can help you better connect is a suggestion box. It makes brothers feel at ease to share their true feelings and give feedback about chapter decisions and expectations.
Of course, you can always go with an actual box nailed outside the chapter president’s door.
However, Incogneato allows you the ease and mobility of having an anonymous digital suggestion box. It’s secure, customizable, and even allows anonymous chat.
Sometimes in a chapter, you don’t know you have a problem until someone points it out. Other times, you don’t know you’re doing the right thing until someone sings your praises. Incogneato’s digital suggestion box can give you that information at your fingertips.
3. Show the World How Great Your Chapter Is with Animoto
Download: Animoto
There are times that, rather than communicating with brothers, you need to connect with the world outside your fraternity house. Recruitment’s coming up, you’re promoting a philanthropy fundraiser, or you just want to show your campus community how great fraternity life can be.
Make the perfect promotional video with Animoto.
Animoto is a favorite video editing software tool among many businesses, photographers, and individuals. It lets you compile video clips, add a music soundtrack, text overlays, and transitions, and more.
It starts at $5 per month but you can upgrade to higher packages for more advanced functionality.
2. Reach Your Goals with Intramural Management Software TeamSnap
Download: TeamSnap
You want that intramurals trophy, you need grit and determination.
It also doesn’t hurt to have a sports management tool like TeamSnap at your disposal.
TeamSnap is designed to help you manage your intramural teams and stay on the same page about schedules and rain-outs, player rosters, assignments, sharing photos from games, and more.
While it’s not a comprehensive Greek communication tool, it’s the perfect software to carry with you on your phone when you’re managing your way to an intramural championship.
1. OmegaOne: The One Fraternity Communication Tool You Can’t Do Without
Download: OmegaOne
Look hard enough and you’ll find a communication tool for each of your chapter’s needs. But when it comes to fulfilling all your communication goals in one centralized, intuitive platform, you need OmegaOne.
OmegaFi designed this mobile, all-in-one communication software specifically for comprehensively accomplishing Greek chapter goals. We understand that keeping brothers on the same page means getting them together—and filling them in on the important things when you can’t.
OmegaOne works like this:
- Brothers’ “wall” keeps them in the conversation.
Much like popular social media, brothers have access to a personalized “wall,” where important alerts, event invitations, and other updates appear. They can share messages and images and reply to others, ensuring they have a voice in chapter conversations.
- Getting brothers to show up is OmegaOne’s priority.
Other communication apps keep you on your phone. OmegaOne’s functionality is designed to drive face-to-face interactions with brothers and get them to show up. You can accomplish this with the shared chapter calendar, customizable event and attendance management systems, study hours check-in feature, and more.
- Brothers get the right information at the right time with customized conversations.
Get on any chat app or check your email and you’re getting “reply all” messages that are totally irrelevant to you. It’s annoying. Before long, you’re ignoring it all and missing important info.
OmegaOne has a top-down style of communication that allows executive officers to tailor messages, file sharing, event info, and more to specific groups of brothers or alumni. That way, information goes directly to only those who need to see it.
OmegaFi offers software solutions for Greek chapters for recruitment, budgeting, communication, and more. Learn more about our services or call direct at 800.276.6342.
What are some of your chapter’s top communication goals? What tools do you use to achieve them? Let us know in the comments below!