OmegaFi’s March release gives customers easier ways to create, implement and evaluate short- and long-term membership program goals.
OmegaOne has two new calendar feature updates that will help chapter members better plan events and track event attendance. Both updates are included with our membership engagement software subscription.
NEW! EVENT RSVP FEATURE: OmegaOne's new RSVP feature helps chapter members plan events more effectively. Here’s how it works:
- An administrator creates a new event.
- Once the event is published, prospective event attendees (collegiate members or alumni/ae) members can select “Yes,” “No,” or “Tentative.”
- The administrator who created the event can see, in real time, how many people plan to attend the event.
- The chapter officer can purchase the right number of supplies, food, etc., without spending more money “just-in-case.”
NEW! CHECK-OUT FEATURE: OmegaOne's new check-out feature gives chapter leaders an easier way to track when an attendee leaves an event. To activate the check-out feature:
- An administrator accesses Admin Tools > Manage Calendar > Create/Update an event. Turn on the "Check-in Requirement." Publish the event.
- Event attendees can check-in-and-out of the event via mobile or desktop (based on the event settings).
- An administrator can view attendees’ statuses via Manage Calendar > See Checked-In Members.
- An admin can also edit attendees, and add or remove the checked-in status.
MEMBER JOINED REPORT: LegFi's new Member Joined Report is available to administrators of both the LegFi HQ and chapter-level account types. It empowers headquarters clients and chapter leadership to select a date range and view the following lists:
- Chapter members who pledge to join a chapter
- Chapter members who plan to join a chapter
- Chapter members who've already joined the chapter
In addition to saving admins time and effort, this new feature will enable national headquarters clients to better predict the pace of income.
To use LegFi’s Member Joined Report, go to the Reports tab > Member Joined Report. Admins can filter on three different date types, including “Planned confirmation date,” “Confirmation date,” and “Joined Date.”
After selecting the date type, the admin will click “Submit.” When the report appears, admins can export the report to Excel.
MEMBERSHIP TYPES FEATURE: LegFi’s new Membership Types feature allows headquarters clients and chapter leadership to categorize members based on the stages of their membership journeys.
This new feature enhances existing membership programs, equips admin users with the contact information needed to accurately bill members, and enables national headquarters clients to better predict income.
LegFi organizational account admins can select from a list of default membership types and assign that stage to the member record. Admin users can also add a custom label to the system default membership type(s) to create new membership type(s). For example, one of LegFi’s default membership types is “New Member." A LegFi admin may choose to customize this label to “Associate Member."
Chapter users are required to use the new membership type(s) their headquarters admins create in the “parent” LegFi HQ account. Chapter admins can also customize their own membership types as applicable.
The new membership types feature is also now included in LegFi public API.
OmegaFi recently completed updates to LegFi's Financial Accounts and Transactions section's reports and workflows. These updates improve the accuracy, consistency, and overall usability of the accounting-related functions in the software's desktop and mobile versions.
LegFi Payables is almost here! Later this spring, users will be equipped to manage vendor payments via our most popular billing and payments solution. Contact your account manager with any questions or to learn more.