LegFi improved its support of Canadian organizations with our new processing features for Canadian debit/credit card payments! To get started, LegFi customers simply complete the steps required to link their external Canadian bank accounts within LegFi. Then, as members pay invoices via Visa and Mastercard debit or credit card, LegFi deposits the funds directly into the organization’s Canadian bank account.
Canadian organizations can also use LegFi’s Crowdfunding tool to collect Visa and Mastercard debit/credit card payments for:
- Events
- Fundraising
- Merchandise
LegFi’s new self-serve tool allows users to issue refunds for payments processed in the past 180 days. With a few clicks, users with the ‘Edit Payments’ permission level can easily process a refund to a member via the new “Issue Refund” button. The user selects the refund amount by charge (in cases where a payment was applied to more than one invoice) and submits the refund for processing.
LegFi’s users can see a full list of refunds under the new “Payment Reversals” tab. This section displays all full refunds, partial refunds and remaining refundable amounts, where applicable.
LegFi users no longer need to cut checks directly to members for eligible refunds. They can use LegFi to seamlessly facilitate the refund process, to include notifications to the account administrators and members.
Although it’s not common, chargebacks happen, and LegFi is prepared. Chargebacks occur when a cardholder disputes a credit card or bank account transaction with their financial institution. When this happens, the disputed amount is charged back to the LegFi customer’s deposit account.
When LegFi is notified of a chargeback, a payment reversal with the status of “Pending” is recorded on the Payor's LegFi account. Additionally, an email notification goes out to the member and the LegFi administrators.
In some cases, we have an opportunity to provide documentation to prove a credit card charge was valid. In those case, we later receive a status update letting us know the dispute was Won or Lost.
If the dispute is Won:
- A payment is applied to the member/org’s account
- The Payment Reversal Status is updated to Won.
- The Organization is charged a Chargeback Fee.
- An email notification is sent to the member and all Org Admins.
If the dispute is Lost:
- The Payment Reversal Status is updated to Lost.
- The Organization is charged a Chargeback Fee.
- An email notification is sent to the member and all Org Admins.
We are redesigning LegFi’s Financial Accounts page to provide more information, including the ability to drill down on each account and see all related transactions. The transaction details have varying options and functions based on the account type.
Treasury Account Transactions
- Transactions are automatically pulled from Stripe.
- Users cannot manually create transactions for Treasury accounts.
- Edits for Treasury transactions include: Description, Ledger Account, and Notes. (Treasury transactions cannot be deleted.)
Bank Account Transactions (linked via Plaid)
- Transactions are automatically pulled via the Plaid integration; however, users can also use the Plaid import tool to pull transactions for a specific date range.
- Users cannot manually create transactions for linked bank accounts.
- Bank account transactions can be deleted, although this should rarely be used.
- Edits for linked bank account transactions include: Description, Ledger Account, and Notes.
Bank Account Transactions (non-linked)
- Transactions are either manually created or by uploading a CSV using the import tool.
- Transactions in non-linked bank accounts can be deleted.
- Edits for non-linked bank account transactions include: Date, Description, Ledger Account, Status (Pending/Posted), Notes, and Posted Date.
These enhancements provide comprehensive reporting that allows organizations to see all their financial data in one place. In the future, more new features will also benefit national customers who require their constituent chapters to submit certain financial reports.
We recently released a new enhancement to the calendar feature in OmegaOne’s mobile app. The Calendar on the OmegaOne App is easily viewable by tapping the bottom-right corner of your app. Days with a dot indicate there is an event scheduled for that day.
Simply tap the day for which you would like to view events, and a list of that day's events will appear below the calendar. Tapping the event will allow you to view additional details, RSVP, Check-In, and add the event to your phone's calendar. You can also add and delete events, as well as sync your OmegaOne calendar within the app!
More enhancements are coming to LegFi.
- Additional improvements to LegFi’s financial accounts feature
- New section that includes Account History, Outstanding Charges, Payments, Payment Reversals
- LegFi balances within the Pay Now function so customers can pay at any time and/or remit partial payments
- Enhancements to the Invoice, Payment, and Billing History sections
OmegaOne Mobile App continues to improve. We are updating the classmates, birthdays and questions/polls feature in the app.
ICS export enhancements are in progress. Improvements to ICS’s export feature are coming soon, to include filtering and PNM data consolidation.
Contact your Account Manager with any questions or to learn more.